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Vagal tone exercises, herbal teas, mood foods, aromatherapy, nature connection, and sleep hygiene to support your nervous system.
Simple support to be more focused and relaxed at work and at home. Geared towards neurodivergent and highly sensitive people, artists, creatives and intuitives. Great for families wanting to know how to support each other in this changing world.
size: 8.5 x 11
pages: 115
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This experiential learning guide was created to help you know how to allow the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of yourself work together as a unified whole. These holistic practices are a form of preventative medicine that encourages self-regulation and making healthy choices. When balanced, your bioelectromagnetic system provides you with information to navigate everyday life. Like a personal coach, Empath Wellness Workbook I, supports you in calming your body, quieting your mind, opening your heart, and connecting to your true self. Biofield awareness and holistic self-care are treasured skills for highly sensitive, empathic, intuitive people, and those who live and work with them. They help you Be the Light.
size: 8.5 x 11
pages: 187 pages
The deeper self-awareness and regulating practices I have gained from the teachings in this book have allowed me to live with a more harmonious relationship with myself and the world around me. N.S.
Linda in her graciousness shows us how to navigate between our humanness and our spiritual journey here on earth. Recognizing the power of synchronizing the two to empower our spiritual walk in Oneness. She encourages unconditional acceptance and a loving peaceful community. S.S.
No amount of words can express the gratitude and joy that I have for the gift of your teachings. I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to be a vessel of light and love, which showed me that I could make the choice to live. P.M
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Empath Wellness Workbook II:
Bioenergy Centers Awareness & Holistic Self Care for Vibrant Living
Empath Wellness Workbook II, continues the journey of Empath Wellness Workbook I, by supporting you in taking responsibility for your whole health. Bioenergy center awareness and self-care are necessary for empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people. When balanced, your bioenergy system supports you in functioning optimally in the world. Your thoughts and emotions are clear so that your spiritual self can direct the actions of your physical body. The holistic health tips, mind-body wellness exercises, and integration journaling in this workbook are building blocks for conscious living. Bioenergy center resources are a form of holistic preventative medicine that helps you become more aware of your authentic self so you can shine your light.
This experiential learning guide takes bioenergy center anatomy to a deeper level. You will find an increased desire to nurture your whole self. Beyond reading about the bioenergy centers, you are encouraged to engage, act on, and consciously use these tools to improve your daily life. When balanced and activated, your bioenergy system supports you in functioning optimally in the world as an empath and sensitive person.
Bioenergy Basics gives an overall understanding of the nature of the miraculous way that God designed our whole self. Simple diagrams give a visual connection to the introductory science behind this vast field. After the basics, the lessons continue with holistic connections and mind-body awareness for each bioenergy center from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Self-care practices include herbal remedies, mind-body-spirit exercises, home harmony tips, decrees, and bioenergy anatomy relationship to the physical body.
Bioenergy center balancing mind-body-spirit exercises are gleaned from over 40 years of my experience helping people improve well-being through multicultural interfaith practices. These exercises provide natural support to ease physical pain, emotional overload, mental confusion, and enhance spiritual alignment.
size: 8.5 x 11
pages: 224 pages
Scheduling now for book signing events and Holistic Self Care Classes in New England. Call or text 208-883-9933 for more information.
Planning your Medicinal Herb Garden the first book in my Herbal Wisdom Series is here. Intuitive and practical methods to enhance collaboration with your land, flora, and fauna. I include some of my favorite garden designs; a 3 circuit labyrinth, 7 center walking garden, medicine wheel and educational gardens. 16 easy to grow herbs for 4 themed garden are included with growing tips for stress relief, herbal first aide, culinary and woman's herbs. 102 pages with beautiful pictures of gardens and herbs.
Dr Kingsbury now shares her proprietary herbal tea blends, tinctures, and more herbal goodies for family wellness. Bringing you over 40 years experience making herbal products for her clients and people worldwide.
Easy to follow instructions and pictures along with pant pictures provides support for your do it yourself herbal remedies.
This Ebook AVAILABLE Summer 2025
It's empowering to know how to identify edible and medicinal plants that grow in the fields around you.
Dr Kingsbury says " I began gathering wild herbs for medicine when I was a young Mom living in the mountains of Southern California. IT is exciting to find common plant friends around the world that have support humans since the beginning of time."
This Ebook AVAILABLE Summer 2025